Sunday, May 19, 2013

Instant GiftCard

Hey everybody,

It's been a really long time since I've updated you guys on the things going on in my life. One of the things I have been doing lately is working on earning sites like www.instagiftcard! Basically, I work to earn virtual dollars to buy gift cards with. I make a good 200 a month and that really helps me out. Here's the link to go check it out. You like freebies? Do you like to feel accomplished? Do you like to have extra holiday money? This is the way.

Here's how to get started:
Go here:  instant money
If you should have any questions, you can find me here or on Facebook! Hope to see you on your way to earning free stuff!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Negativity is contagious, so get rid of it!

So, in light of recent events, I thought speaking out against negativity would be the best way to go on this post! Recently, I have experienced many people attempting to bring me down with their negative attitudes and ways of life. Life is too short to let or allow anyone negative to destroy your joy, happiness or life.

With all this said, I will say that I love my friends and I am there to help them. I am not expecting them to always be happy because that's not possible. We do create our own happiness though and it's a choice to continue to be happy when all around us there is negativity going on! So, instead of falling into the negativity let us be happy! Joyful and content with the things we do have and the relationships we do have! Let us be thankful that life is great even when things go wrong. If you are still walking and breathing and have shelter and food- you are doing great! If you have clothes on your back and shoes on your feet, you are doing great!

Sometimes it's hard for us to realize just how lucky we are for the things we do have. When you're feeling negative because of life's trials, get out a pen and write down everything that is right in your life!

Just some food for thought!


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Looking beyond yourself!

When things in life are stressing us out: we gain weight, we lose sleep, we argue and become grumpy or cranky towards the ones we love the most, we hate everything bad and don't see the good. So, what do we do in this situation?

Look outside yourself and I mean that in the most basic sense of the sentence. Look around you, see what you can do for someone else. If something needs to be done, do it. If you see someone struggling, offering a helping hand.
When you are not concentrating so much on yourself, things fall in to place. They get easier, your burden is lightened. Why is that? Because it is my belief that Heavenly Father sees that you are doing something great for your fellow brother or sister and is blessing you for all you're doing for them!

So, let's work hard to do things for others to receive those blessings from above! :)

Just some food for thought and a quote: "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." - Maya Angelou


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Avon Beauty Products=Great Valentine's Day gifts

Hello all,

I recently started my side business of selling Avon Products in addition to my coaching for women with PCOS. My website is :

So, please do stop by and check it out! There are some great deals going on through 2-8-11, so don't miss out! :)

For more information about PCOS, please sign up for for resources and support. Or check out
Also, to purchase Katie Humphrey's book or e-book: Freedom From PCOS, check out:

And as always thanks for reading,


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Deaming of a peaceful existance

So, I am dreaming of a peaceful existence where life doesn't always get me down, where I am not so overweight that I hurt all the time and where my stress levels are at a happy medium.

The most effective way to do this would be to workout and to sleep more. Since I can't workout with my ankle being all jacked up, it has been difficult. But, alas, I am only a human. I take one minute at a time most days. No one is perfect! Least of all me. I think many times we think we can do it all and have it all and we don't think of all the work it entails or we don't put our health first.I have come to realize over the years and with me getting older that this simply won't work anymore. No more putting my health last and everything else first. I am currently disabled because I did that for so many years. Weight loss is 90% mental guys, so I am telling you now, get your head straight.... I can motivate you if need be, I am here. Just comment here or send me a private message on Facebook and we'll go from there.

Much love to all,


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sleep would be great!

How much sleep do you get a night? Sleep is very important, I love it so much and yet, I rarely get it. It has to do with medical problems and so I am trying everything in my power to not take naps and to attempt to go to bed at a decent hour! Who knows what this is like?
Who has suggestions for natural, holistic, or organic ways for sleep! I have tried Melotonin but it doesn't seem to work for me.
Thanks in advance for your speedy responses! :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Exercise, exercise and more exercise!

So, ever since I hurt my ankle, I haven't been exercising much. Today I did Pilates Butt and Thighs. It kicked my butt and thighs! So, if I can do exercising while injured, so can you. Don't let something small keep you from your weight loss/health goals. It is an important part of my life to get out there and get healthy and remain healthy.
“Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.” Keri Russell

Just remember that “The key to change... is to let go of fear.” -Roseanne Cash

As always, thanks for reading! Do get out there and do something healthy for yourself. Exercise-go for a walk, rent a work out dvd or buy one, go to the park with the kids, clean the house. You can do it!
