Sunday, January 30, 2011

Deaming of a peaceful existance

So, I am dreaming of a peaceful existence where life doesn't always get me down, where I am not so overweight that I hurt all the time and where my stress levels are at a happy medium.

The most effective way to do this would be to workout and to sleep more. Since I can't workout with my ankle being all jacked up, it has been difficult. But, alas, I am only a human. I take one minute at a time most days. No one is perfect! Least of all me. I think many times we think we can do it all and have it all and we don't think of all the work it entails or we don't put our health first.I have come to realize over the years and with me getting older that this simply won't work anymore. No more putting my health last and everything else first. I am currently disabled because I did that for so many years. Weight loss is 90% mental guys, so I am telling you now, get your head straight.... I can motivate you if need be, I am here. Just comment here or send me a private message on Facebook and we'll go from there.

Much love to all,


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