Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sleep would be great!

How much sleep do you get a night? Sleep is very important, I love it so much and yet, I rarely get it. It has to do with medical problems and so I am trying everything in my power to not take naps and to attempt to go to bed at a decent hour! Who knows what this is like?
Who has suggestions for natural, holistic, or organic ways for sleep! I have tried Melotonin but it doesn't seem to work for me.
Thanks in advance for your speedy responses! :)


Music Is My Life said...


Music Is My Life said...

But seriously I turn on Disney Movies or spongebob. For some reason they are soothing to me. I put on my mask and just listen to them and eventually I drift off.

Michelle said...

Hi Bethany!!! Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.. I have tons of Disney Movies. I think I will watch Spongebob right now. :)

Cherish said...

I wish I had the answer for you! Nathan struggles to have a decent sleep pattern. I insist on a bedtime for myself and get 7-9 hours a night. I need sleep or I get cranky!